It is a very valid point in saying that research is a touchy subject, especially when referring to crisis management. Depending on the crisis at hand the steps taken to do the research and fix the problem must be very carefully planned out. Research must be done to see what the problem is, who’s involved and that all the information about every part of the situation is correct.
Something that is a high profile crisis that would need immediate attention would be a school shooting. Even though you don’t think there would be research involved but there’s tons of it. For example, you must find out all the information about who the shooter was in a situation like that, why would they do something like that? Were there behavioral issues? Then go into further questioning about the school, the people who work there, the children who attend it. It’s also imperative that all the information about that day was collected and every step necessary is taken to make that school feel like a home again. In a situation like a school shooting the research results plays a huge role, because it’s the research of what would make people feel safe again; what can others do to make something that drastic go back to normal? But, that’s the job of anyone in the PR field, to know how to handle crisis situations; and you want to make sure you do your research all the way through because if the research is wrong, the way you go about solving the issue at hand could be completely thrown off. I know if I were to experience something as horrible as a shooting at school it would take a lot for me to feel comfortable there again, and that's part of the research needed in a situation like that. Once a crisis situation happens, information must be given out and the research continues as time goes on to see what more can be done to a)prevent it from happening again and b) making people feel more comfortable with the world around them.
It’s hard to believe but shootings are happening in middle schools as well, which provides for even more crisis control and background research.A shooting at Discovery Middle School happened in the beginning of 2010 and immediately there were press releases out about what had happen, with enough details to provide information. They then have to, like I said, figure out what can be done to make this middle school become a home again for all the students, parents, faculty and community. It's extra tough because it was a middle school, but some steps were even taken days after the shooting to ensure students that it was being handled. The superintendent himself ensured that there would be more security and that the entire situation would be handled, as it was as time went on. The accused had a hearing and steps such as local counseling for the children was offered. Clearly there was more research going on about the individuals involved but the research that goes into any crisis situation is unbelievable. From start to finish, research is there, even in situations as horrible as this.
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